In particular, you will find excellent results for alligator weeds, Water Primrose, Cattails and more. ShoreKlear: ShoreKlear will work best to control emerged and floating weeds.Green Clean: Another product you can consider is Green Clean, which is great to control algae.Cutrine: The product Cutrine works best to keep algae and Chara at bay.Now, let’s take a look at your chemical options.

Rest assured that the bacteria or pond microbes that you find on the market are good bacteria, which will benefit your pond. The problem with bad bacteria is that it will create large areas of sludge as it breaks down organic material. Basically, good bacteria will thrive in a pond that has high levels of oxygen, and bad bacteria works in a pond with little to no oxygen. A pond will contain both good and bad bacteria. These microbes can also be referred to as microorganisms. To put it simply, pond microbes are sorts of bacteria that help break down organic matter in a pond. In this article, we’ll go over what pond microbes are and which types work best for specific pond weeds. Outdoor Water Solutions carries a wide variety of products to help you control pond weeds. This is where pond microbes can come in to help.

When it comes to pond weed, they can be a nuisance to deal with and can even ruin the landscape of your pond. However, you may find other naturally occurring items growing in and around the pond, including weeds. An aeration system that provides aeration can also be an important part of the pond’s environment. The habitat of a pond contains a collection of naturally occurring components, such as fish and algae. For submersed weeds use 1.5 to 2.5 ounces per gallon of spray solution. Use 0.5 to 1 ounce of Cide Kick II per gallon of spray solution for floating, emersed or terrestrial weeds. Mix with algaecides for better control of tough algae species.Īlso aids duckweed treatments made with Weedtrine-D or Reward herbicides. Use with Rodeo, Reward, 2,4-D, and other herbicides for spraying emergent vegatation.

Helps break down waxy leaf cuticle for more effective herbicide uptake. Description Cide-Kick II Aquatic Surfactant 1 QuartĬide-Kick II Aquatic Surfactant 1 Quart is non-ionic, water soluble, low viscosity, biodegradable wetting agent and activator.