I’ve heard the only way to feel safe at night is to sleep with a nurse.I think you should take the temperature instead of me, because you’re looking very hot.I don’t feel off anymore every time I see you because you turn me right on.You’re burning me because you’re too hot.I think you are suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.Am I dead? Surely I must be because I see an angel!.Look, I’m dying here! I need a life! Please lower your standards and go out with me if you want me to survive.Can you be my proximal because I don’t want to be distal to you.I’m scared to have one apple a day because I don’t want you to go away.It’s so nice that you smell so good in a place so depressing.I need medical attention! I hurt myself pretty bad falling for you.Does your left eye hurt? Because you’ve been looking right all day.I don’t know if I want to get better if it means never seeing you again.Did we go to school together? I swear I could see us having chemistry.

It’s better for you if I switch nurses, because it’s not moral to date me while I’m still your patient.You take care of me so well, I’m sure you will be a good dad to our kids.I’m a little low on oxygen because you just took my breath away.I’m diagnosing you to see if you’d make a good boyfriend.What do your beautify and the c diff smell have in common? They are both undeniable.Hey, are you a conditioned stimulus? Because you’re making me drool.You must be the cure for Alzheimer’s, because you’re unforgettable.Are you Broca’s Aphasia? Because you leave me speechless.Is it just my olfactory or you just really smell good.You’re like a car accident, I just can’t look away.Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you.
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Can you show me how to do mouth-to-mouth, on me?.I can do rapid clothing removal so fast that you’d be amazed.You breathe oxygen? We have so much in common.Do you have my other lung? Because I’ve been LUNG-ing for you.Do you have an inhaler? Because you took my breath away.Emphysema puffs pink, chronic bronchitis makes you blue, but no COPD makes me as breathless as you.Are you a cardiac nurse, but I need someone to take care of my heart.

Is that a stethoscope around your neck, because I think my heart just skipped a beat.You get my heart racing like an epinephrine drip.I’m no organ donor, but I’d happy to give you my heart.Did you hear that? Even my heart murmurs “I Love You!”.Can you check my heartbeat? I think it’s beating too fast because of you.My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you.As someone as good as you at listening to hearts, you certainly aren’t listening to yours to go out with me.I wish I were your coronary artery, so I can be wrapped around your heart.I don’t think I’m fine, my heart just skipped a beat because of you.